Using for short demos
(I used QuickTime Player to record this clip using my Thunderbolt display and external USB mic) Ever wanted to do a quick video or computer demonstration, but were too scared to try? Odds are you haven’t seen what Articulate makes available at All you need is an internet connection, some sort of microphone attached…
Read MoreEmbedding YouTube Video in a WordPress Post
Ever need to embed content in your WordPress site? Since WordPress 2.9, there’s been an easy way to automatically embed some of the most popular web content using the HTML view within the WordPress editor. Here’s an example: I discovered I can embed tweets and YouTube in WordPress posts by pasting URL into a blank…
Read MoreUseful Info for LavaCon presentation
Thanks for checking here! This presentation is intended for self-publishers. Please contact me directly if you’d like help setting up accounts for a corporate entity. Adobe and LavaCon 2011 have opened up this free presentation to the public!! The first 30 registrants for this free Sunday session qualify for a free backpack and a chance…
Read MoreFixing hyphenated headings in TCS output
I had a client recently who needed printed headings to hyphenate, but then had to remove those hyphens from his WebHelp output. The reason the hyphens were a problem: RoboHelp kept the hyphens in the middle of words that didn’t break across lines! The solution? Similar to other blog posts of mine…define a Framemaker conversion…
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