TC2LS003-Interview With Darin McClure
Always a man with many things to say, Darin is a pleasure to interview! It’s not often he’ll sit still long enough for an interview, so I hope you enjoy our talk as much as I did. Darin talks about how he uses inexpensive and free tools to maximize his contact with friends, customers, and potential…
Read MoreMatt Sullivan interviewed by eMediaChat
My thanks go out to Rick Zanotti and Kirsten Roarke of eMediaChat for having me on to discuss FrameMaker, #TechComm, and video. Here’s the video: eMediaChat 61: Matt Sullivan and FrameMaker from RELATECASTS on Vimeo.
Read MoreTC2LS002-Interview with Joe Welinske of WritersUA Conference
I had a great time chatting with Joe Welinske today. We discussed his popular WritersUA conference (the next one is in Charleston, SC in October), mobile UA and UX, and the upcoming version of his book, Developing User Assistance For Mobile Apps. Check back here (in the WritersUA category) for interviews with some of Joe’s great…
Read MoreTC2LS001-Interview With Jack Molisani
My thanks to Jack Molisani for taking the time to help launch the Tech Comm Tools podcast. Here’s the interview with Jack: Planning to attend LavaCon? Register via my affiliate link and get a free hour of consulting or services with me! In our 1/2 hour discussion, we talk about LavaCon 2014, his ProSpring staffing agency, and…
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