Tech Comm Tools Video Newsletter Vol 5 (Holiday Edition)


I hope you’re as lucky as I am at the end of each year to slow down just a bit and look forward to the holidays.

Today, that slowdown benefits you, because I noticed a free offer I’d like to pass on to you:

Download a free set of 120 holiday-themed icons at

They’re perfectly free, and very high quality with EPS, PNG, and SVG versions.
The only hitch: the popup window for download didn’t load with my Chrome browser, but worked just fine with Firefox.

I also wanted to give a shout out to a few folks who were kind enough to provide me website quotes after free sessions and/or forum help lately.

Here’s what they had to say:

Hello Matt, Thanks for including me to the community. I browsed through some of your posts and was amazed about the features which Framemaker offers (like Captivate quiz inclution, video embedding into PDF etc). Even though I have been using FM from 4 years, I wasn’t aware of these features. Thanks so much for the knowledge rich content!
-V. Krishna

Thanks so much for the training. Jean has already talked to our boss and I am certain we will be using your services—either in consulting or in training or both.
-G. Church

Hey Matt, Thank you so much for your time today! The info you reviewed with me was exactly what I needed and has given me a jump start for a plan of action, and your advice on RH vs FM was brilliant! I’m actually excited about what we can do with 2017 tools, and relieved at the ease it might be to use them.
You’ve got a great mind and I appreciated picking it for a while. ?
I hope to take some of your courses in the New Year (fingers crossed).


These quotes are absolutely huge for me, as they help to improve both my sponsorships and course attendance numbers. I’ll be putting up a dedicated Testimonials page in the next few weeks, so if you’ve got a story you’re willing to share with my audience, please do consider writing it up and sending to me. It helps me keep the content coming in more ways than you know!

Finally, here’s a thank you message from me to you, complete with my dog Charlie in the opening scene!

  • 0:01 Happy Holidays from me and Charlie!
  • 0:24 Cool new scene transition
  • 0:30 Thanks for being a part of the growth of Tech Comm Tools in 2017
  • 0:45 Thanks to Adobe for their continued support
  • 1:10 Update on a big backyard overhaul I completed this year
  • 2:00 Discussion of the three FrameMaker 2017 books I published this year
  • 2:30 Plans for increased conference and online presentation presence this year
  • 3:10 The Tech Comm Tools holiday card (same as above)
  • 0:01 Happy Holidays from me and Charlie!
  • 0:24 Cool new scene transition
  • 0:30 Thanks for being a part of the growth of Tech Comm Tools in 2017
  • 0:45 Thanks to Adobe for their continued support
  • 1:10 Update on a big backyard overhaul I completed this year
  • 2:00 Discussion of the three FrameMaker 2017 books I published this year
  • 2:30 Plans for increased conference and online presentation presence this year

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