RoboHelp 2019 Update 9 Released
Adobe released an update to RoboHelp 2019 today.
You can access this free update either by using the Help > Updates command in RoboHelp or by visiting
Here’s what’s been added and fixed:
Feature enhancements
Use the new Word output feature
From RoboHelp, you can now generate output in DOCX format regardless of whether MS Word is installed on your machine. You can also choose a Word template for your output. RoboHelp maps all styles according to the default Word format; however, you can also specify a style sheet for mapping. Additionallly, you can start every topic on a new page.
Use the new global find and replace feature
You can now use the find and replace feature across these text files in your project—topics, snippets, master pages, TOC, and CSS. You can use regular expressions in both find and replace, and various filtering options. You can also back up your files before replacing.
Use the new Oceanic Frameless skin
You can now use the new Oceanic skin for Frameless output. You can also edit and preview the skin in the skin editor.
Other enhancements
- You can easily launch the condition tag group editor from the Add Condition Tag or the Edit Condition Tag dialog box.
- You can now enable search for sub-strings in Frameless and Responsive HTML5 outputs.
- You can now use your mouse to easily change table and column widths.
- On renaming a topic, RoboHelp now updates whatever is visible in the Contents panel—filename or topic title.
- The Back button on the home page of the Indigo layout no longer appears as a tile. The button is placed below the output logo and title.
- In Responsive HTML5 output, RoboHelp now displays a message to indicate that the current topic is hidden because the topic is filtered out by the applied dynamic content filters.
- In Frameless skin, you can now specify search highlight text and background colors.
- You can now select multiple glossary terms and use the new Select All button in GlossaryTermConverter.js script file.
- You can now move deleted items to the recycle bin, which is the default behaviour. However, you can change this behaviour in Edit > Preferences > General.
- You can now remove currently applied fonts by selecting the None option in the Font family style in the Properties panel and the CSS editor.
Fixed Issues
- Cannot access full help with layout when a topic in Responsive HTML5 output is opened directly or in a new tab.
(Ref – 4110) - RoboHelp now automatically uses the correct drop-down image when a drop-down text or an expanding text is expanded by a search in Responsive HTML5 and Frameless outputs.
(Ref – 4419) - RoboHelp fails to generate Responsive HTML5 output when using Favicon.
(Ref – 5223) - Frameless output does not display UTF-8 characters correctly on the Edge browser.
(Ref – 5070) - The search in HTML5 output partially returns wrong results.
(Ref – 5062) - Project does not open if a topics contain hrefs starting with /.
(Ref – 5060) - Files are missing after upgrading a RoboHelp 2015 project to RoboHelp 2019 project.
(Ref – 5058) - Homepage content topic in Frameless output is not patched for components such as related topics, mini TOC, See Also, and snippets.
(Ref – 5046) - After installing RoboHelp 2019 Update 8, command-line output generation stopped working with a Javascript API error.
(Ref – 5041) - Word import creates a buggy file in case of multiple headers with the same name.
(Ref – 5037) - If an image is missing in a topic in author or preview mode, the missing image placeholder does not appear.
(Ref – 5035) - When a drop-down text is created at the end of a sentence, RoboHelp adds a space between the ending period and the drop-down text title.
(Ref – 5016) - When a topic is opened in a new tab or window of a web browser, the Indigo layout header gets cut.
(Ref – 4847) - Words added to the dictionary are not retained across sessions for the English (UK) project language.
(Ref – 4573) - Predictive search terms do not appear when modifying a search term with underscores in the search field.
(Ref – 4270) - If the Contents page in a child project contains links to websites, after the merging the child project with the parent project, such links do not work in Indigo layout.
(Ref – 4151) - In a Topic List report, sorting date-based columns by last modified dates returns incorrect results.
(Ref – 4034) - Thumbnail images do not expand when a topic is open in a new tab in Responsive HTML5 output.
(Ref – 3981) - The order of dynamic filtering terms is broken in Responsive HTML5 output.
(Ref – 3223) - Table of contents does not synchronize in merged outputs for Internet Explorer 11.
(Ref – 3171) - Index does not get sorted correctly in Responsive HTML5 output.
(Ref – 2862) - Mini TOC does not display when topic contents are filtered by condition expressions.
(Ref – 5363)
Fixed issues in RoboHelp Classic (2019 release)
- WebHelp local output does not load in Firefox after updating to 68.0.1.
(Ref – 5053) - CSH Data Div and iframe are not visible when Help pop-up window is displayed.
(Ref – 5338)
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When you upgraded RoboHelp projects to version 2019, did you work with projects that had a lot of links to Microsoft Word files? I am converting a RoboHelp 2015 project with 100s of linked Word files and each time I run the upgrade, RoboHelp dies. It’s to the point that I am considering creating a copy of the project without the linked files, upgrading that to 2019, and then relink the files. Support says that I can send my project but since they wouldn’t have the Word files or the network connection, I don’t see the point – plus the project is for disaster recovery documentation and ultra-confidential.
Any thoughts?
Hi Paul,
The first thing to do is to try setting up a new project in RoboHelp and test out the linking with a cross-section of your files. Confirm that the current version of Rh isn’t hanging up on the content of your Word documents.
I expect your biggest issue lies with linking to the Word files themselves. While linking certainly does work, crafting your project as a way to curate hundreds of Word files sounds like it would keep me up at night. I think that feature targets the odd document that must be updated by someone without any tech comm skills, rather than as a replacement for a content management system. There are too many things that might go south with a constant refiltering of all those files, let alone the processing time to update them.
But assuming you can’t change your workflow, what’s your current version of Rh 2019? There were a 14 (14!!!!) updates for the massive rewrite that was Rh 2019. You’re commenting on a post related to the 9th update. If you’re not on that latest patched version, that may help.
Even 2019.0.14 is out of date though. Rh 2020 is already on its third update. That means since the 9th update of 2019, Adobe has released 7 versions of RoboHelp to address issues and enhance functionality.
If you’re still having issues I highly recommend downloading a trial and converting A COPY of your project to Rh 2020, with the latest patch. I find Rh 2020 to be considerably more stable than all the Rh 2019 releases.