Useful Info for LavaCon presentation
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This presentation is intended for self-publishers. Please contact me directly if you’d like help setting up accounts for a corporate entity.
Adobe and LavaCon 2011 have opened up this free presentation to the public!! The first 30 registrants for this free Sunday session qualify for a free backpack and a chance to receive a free LavaCon conference pass.
If attending my presentation on 11/13/2011 please bring the following information with you to assist in rapidly setting up your Kindle and iTunes publishing accounts:
Decide whether accounts and revenue will be a separate tax entity (corp, llc, etc.) or filed as income on main tax return.
Consider a separate bank account for revenue and expenses related to book efforts.
- Amazon account info
- Tax ID for royalty payments
- Bank account and routing number
ePub Distribution
Apple will review material and approve/deny individual applications. You may or may not get notification of status.
The Apple ePub application process is ridiculous. A list of 3rd party services is available at
App Development
- ISBN capability
- ePub capability
- EpubCheck
- US Tax ID
- Download iTunes onto your laptop
- valid iTunes Store account, with credit card on file
- the email address and password used to buy music or download to iPad
- Tax ID for royalty payments

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