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Here are the reference books and training manuals available from Tech Comm Tools. All books come with a coupon good for $50 any Tech Comm course, meaning the book is free when you sign up for a Tech Comm Tools course.

FrameMaker Reference Books (Unstructured Content)

My FrameMaker reference book is available for

  • FrameMaker 2020
  • FrameMaker 2017
  • FrameMaker 2015
  • FrameMaker 11

See the Tech Comm Tools online store for details.

FrameMaker Structured EDD Development Workbooks

FrameMaker - Structured Authoring workbook

Learn to work comfortably within the Structure View, the Element Catalog, and the Attributes pod. After completing this workbook, you'll be able to quickly create books, tables of contents, and indexes.

You will be able to recognize and correct invalid structure. (content that doesn't conform to your content model)

This is the only FrameMaker structured workbook series available and has completely updated exercises, exercise files, and screenshots for each version of FrameMaker.

If using a version of FrameMaker prior to the 2017 release, the 2017 Release version will be most appropriate.

This book is excellent for classroom use. Digital copies are licensed only for use by purchaser.
They are not to be used in a classroom or otherwise distributed without proper licensing.
For classroom use please contact me for an appropriately licensed and distributable copy for your students.

Available for:

  • FrameMaker 2020
  • FrameMaker 2019
  • FrameMaker 2017

See the Tech Comm Tools online store for details.


FrameMaker - Structured EDD Development workbook

Learn to evaluate and construct structured content models using FrameMaker and the FrameMaker Element Definition Document (EDD).

You will learn to define:

  • simple elements like Heading and Paragraph
  • more complex elements, like those used for cross-referencing
  • attributes and their values
  • formatting for basic elements
  • more complex formatting based on attributes and attribute pair combinations
  • conversion tables for converting unstructured content to your content model based on applied styles

Available for:

  • FrameMaker 2020
  • FrameMaker 2019
  • FrameMaker 2017

See the Tech Comm Tools online store for details.

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