RoboHelp Master Class
Learn to use Adobe’s award-winning help authoring tool to author topic-based content and create sophisticated online and application-based help for your software products.
The online course is comfortably spread out over four weeks, with extra opportunity for projects and Q&A sessions.
The online class covers the same material, but in 2 full days of online training. The class is 6 hours of instruction each day, complete with conference call, interactive screensharing, and hands-on lessons.
I’ve provided the complete syllabus below, and as always, there’s room to get into the weeds if you like.
RoboHelp Course Syllabus
Introduction to Adobe RoboHelp
- Open an Existing Project
- Explore the Pods
- Create a Workspace
- Create, Edit and manage Topics
- Explore a TOC and an Index
- Generate HTML Help
- Generate WebHelp
- Generate Responsive HTML5
- Generate Compliant WebHelp
New Projects and Adding Content
- Create a Blank Project
- Create a New Topic
- Rename and Delete Topics
- Import an HTML File
- Import a Word Document
- Import a FrameMaker Document
- Import a PDF
- Edit in Code View
Project Structure and CSS
- Create Project Folders
- Create a TOC Book
- Add Pages to TOC Books
- Auto-Create a TOC
- Apply a Style Sheet to a Topic
- Apply Paragraph Styles
- Create a Style Sheet
- Create a Font Set
- Use Inline Formatting
- Create a Character Style
Editing Content
- Use Spell Check
- AutoCorrect Text
- Use the Thesaurus
- Find and Replace Text
- Create a PDF for Review
- Import Comments From a PDF
- Link to a Word Document
- Edit a Linked Word Document
- Insert Hyperlinks
- Insert Bookmarks
- Insert and work with Popups
- Use Link View and Resolve Broken Links
Images and Multimedia
- Insert an Image
- Add an Image Margin
- Add a Background Image
- Add Hotspots to a Graphic
- Insert an Adobe Captivate Demo
- Use Dynamic HTML to Create a Drop-Down Hotspot
- Work with Twisties
Reusing Content
- Create a Conditional Build Tag
- Apply a Conditional Build Tag
- Create a Build Tag Expression
- Create a New TOC
- Apply Topic-Level Tags
- Create Content Categories
- Work With Variables
- Work With Snippets
- Share Dropbox Resources
Tables and Lists
- Insert a Table
- Insert a Table Row
- Work With Table Styles
- Change Table Properties
- Add a Horizontal Line
- Insert a Symbol
- Add a Bulleted List
- Create a List Style
- Edit a List Style
Indexes, Search, and Glossaries
- Run the Smart Index Wizard
- Remove and Add Index Entries
- Add Keywords via Topic Properties
- Add Subkeywords to the Index
- Create a See Also Keyword
- Insert a Link Control
- Add Custom Search Terms
- Create External Search
- Add Glossary Terms
Skins and Master Pages
- Create a New Skin
- Customize a WebHelp Skin
- Customize the Search Highlight Color
- Create a Master Page
- Edit a Master Page
- Add Breadcrumbs to a Master Page
- Add a Topic TOC
Multi-Device Support
- Create a Responsive Layout
- Generate Responsive HTML5
- Create Dynamic Filters
- Create a Mobile App
Windows, Browsing, and Context Sensitive Help (CSH)
- Create a Custom Window
- Create a Browse Sequence
- Test an API Call for Help
- Publish Content
- Review CSH Source Code
- Create a WebHelp Window
- Assign Map IDs
Docs, eBooks, and Scripts
- Enable Word Macros
- Generate a Print Doc
- Create an eBook
- Generate a Report
- Work with Scripts
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