Table of Contents: FrameMaker - Working with Content

Preface            xxi

Introduction            xxii

Acknowledgments            xxii

Ways to connect            xxiii

Mistakes were made            xxiii

New features by version            xxiii

Part I, Getting Started with FrameMaker

Chapter 1: FrameMaker strengths

Advantages of creating content with FrameMaker    2

Uses for FrameMaker    5

Chapter 2: Creating your first document

Starting FrameMaker    7

Welcome Screen    8

Setting up a new document    9

Exploring the standard templates    9

Using FrameMaker sample files    11

Using a file as a template    11

Creating a blank document    12

Using an existing file    13

Opening, saving, closing, and printing documents    13

Understanding the document window    14

Changing the zoom settings    14

Displaying nonprinting items in the document window    15

Changing view options    17

FrameMaker interface options    17

Workspaces    17

Toolbars    17

New menu structure in recent FrameMaker releases    18

Command Search    19

Customizing icon size    19

Document tabs    19

Pods    20

Managing open files    21

Restore last session    21

Understanding file configuration and preferences    22

Storing format definitions    22

Importing and embedding graphics    22

Document control    22

Using the Fonts pod    23

Handling missing fonts    24

The Project Manager    25

Organizing directories and files    26

Saving file information with XMP    26

Setting automatic backup and save features    27

Choosing between structured and unstructured content    28

Switching between structured and unstructured interfaces    28

File naming best practices    28

Part II, Creating and Manipulating Text

Chapter 3: Word Processing Features

Standard Word Processing Features    29

Moving text    29

Undoing and redoing changes    30

Inserting special characters    31

Searching and replacing    34

Spell-checking    38

Thesaurus    44

Configuring Default Text Options    44

Smart quotes    45

Smart spaces    45

Restricting line breaks    46

Formatting superscripts, subscripts, and small caps    46

Tracking Changes    47

Using the Track Text Edits tool    47

More Information About Track Text Edits    49

PDF review    49

Displaying the word count    50

Using change bars    50

Displaying line numbers    51

Comparing documents and books    51

Working with Footnotes    53

Inserting footnotes    54

Using the same number for several footnotes    55

Customizing footnote properties    56

Importing Text from Other Applications    58

MS Word (copy into document)    58

Copying, pasting, and converting text    59

Chapter 4: Establishing a workflow in FrameMaker

Workflow considerations    61

Planning    62

Creating and editing content    62

File organization    63

Location of files    63

Folder structure    63

Book structure    64

Illustrations and images    64

Editing/reviewing    65

Production editing    65

Indexing    66

Printing    66

Single sourcing and digital publishing    66

Evaluating methods    67

Online and mobile publishing workflows    70

Language support    72

Unicode support    73

Dictionary support    73

Chapter 5: Templates

User roles    75

Definition of a FrameMaker template    76

Why you should care about templates    76

Getting started with templates    77

Importing settings from a template file    77

Items imported from a template    78

Characteristics of a solid template    78

Understanding template interactions    79

Tips and tricks    84

Paragraph tags    84

Character tags    85

Table tags    85

Reference pages    86

Entering Special Characters in dialog boxes    86

Naming conventions    89

Capitalization    89

Special characters    89

Taking keyboard shortcuts into account    89

Separating out “housekeeping” tags    90

Documenting your template    91

Using single-purpose templates    92

Chapter 6: Formatting text with paragraph tags

The purpose of paragraph tags    93

Applying a paragraph tag    93

Using the paragraph catalog to apply a tag    94

Using the formatting bar    94

Selecting a menu choice    95

Using Smart Insert for paragraph formats    95

Avoiding formatting overrides    95

Modifying paragraph tags    96

Paragraph Designer formatting options    96

Creating paragraph tags    107

Renaming paragraph tags    107

Setting properties across the entire paragraph catalog    108

Updating selected paragraphs globally    109

Deleting paragraph tags    109

Autonumbering details    110

Basic autonumbering    110

Numbered steps (1, 2, 3 and a, b, c)    111

Incorporating chapter and volume numbers    114

Formatting Ideas for Paragraph Tags    115

Creating numbered headings    115

Marking the end of a story    116

Chapter 7: Formatting text with character tags

Maintaining consistency with character tags    117

Applying Character Tags    117

Selecting character format with the Character Catalog    118

Selecting character format with a menu choice    118

Using Smart Insert for character formats    118

Modifying character tags    118

As Is character properties    119

Avoiding character tag overrides    119

Creating character tags    120

Understanding Checkboxes in FrameMaker    120

Want more control over superscript characters?    121

Renaming character tags    121

Updating character properties globally    121

Removing character tag formatting    122

Deleting character tags    123

Additional character tags tips    123

Chapter 8: Understanding table design

Table tag advantages    125

Inserting tables    125

Selecting cells    127

Moving and deleting tables    127

Changing the assigned table tag    128

Modifying a table tag    128

Changing table designer settings    129

Globally updating table tags    133

Creating a table tag    133

Customizing tables outside the Table Designer    133

Adding and deleting rows and columns    134

Resizing columns    135

Applying paragraph tags    136

Customizing cell ruling and shading    137

Merging table cells    139

Rotating table cells    140

Sorting table data    141

Deleting table tags    142

Creating text into tables    143

Handy Table Tags    144

Converting a table to text    145

Reformatting Word Tables    146

Chapter 9: Cross-references

Advantages of cross-references    147

How cross-references differ from text    147

Inserting Cross-References    148

Creating paragraph-based cross-references    148

Creating spot cross-references    149

Setting Up Cross-Reference Formats    150

Formatting cross-references    151

Cross-reference building blocks    152

Cross-reference examples    153

Deleting cross-reference formats    154

Updating cross-references    154

Updating Cross-References in a Book    155

Forcing a cross-reference update    155

Automatic updating problems    155

Preventing automatic updates    155

Renaming files without breaking cross-references    156

Correcting unresolved (broken) cross-references    156

Changing the referenced file    157

Replacing broken cross-references    157

Converting cross-references to text    157

A note regarding cross-references and text insets    158

Chapter 10: Storing content in variables

Advantages of variables    159

Inserting variables    160

Inserting variables using the Variables pod    160

Inserting variables using Smart Insert for Variables    160

System variable definitions    161

Modifying system variables    161

Valid locations for system variables    161

Date and time variables    162

Numerical variables    163

Filename variables    164

Table variables    164

Running header/footer variables    164

Updating System Variables    168

Creating user variables    168

Modifying user variable definitions    168

Converting user variables to text    170

Deleting user variables    170

Controlling Time Display With Building Blocks    171

Creative Uses for Variables    171

Part III, Controlling Page Layout

Chapter 11: Understanding master pages

Advantages of master pages    173

Displaying master pages    174

Assigning master pages to body pages    174

Manually assign master pages    174

Mapping paragraph tags to master pages    175

Creating and managing master pages    178

Creating default master pages    178

Creating custom master pages    178

Renaming master pages    179

Rearranging master pages    179

Modifying master pages    180

Adding Text Flows    180

Setting up headers and footers    180

Setting up a watermark effect    181

Creating a landscape master page    182

Creating bleeding tabs    186

Removing master page overrides    190

Updating master pages and page layouts    190

Deleting master pages    191

Ideas for custom master pages    192

Chapter 12: Text flows

Text flow considerations    193

Understanding text flows    193

Text frame overflows    194

Understanding text frame properties    195

Adding text flows to master pages    195

Drawing text frames on the body page    196

Selecting text frames    197

Resizing text frames    197

Moving and copying text frames    198

Deleting text frames    199

Customizing text flows    199

Connecting text flows    199

Creating room for side heads    200

Aligning text across columns    204

Splitting text frames    207

Disconnecting text frames    208

Changing the flow tag    208

Switching from single- to double-sided pages    209

Chapter 13: Importing graphic content

Advantages of using external graphics    211

Choosing whether to import into text flow    211

Using the new Insert > Image workflow    211

Anchoring graphics    212

Inserting an anchored frame    213

Positioning anchored frames    215

Import By Reference vs. Copy Into Document    215

Shrink-wrapping an anchored frame    221

Relinking missing imported graphics    222

Advice on organizing graphic files    223

Setting anchored frame object properties    223

Graphic Formats    224

Choosing the best graphics format    225

What are those gray boxes?    227

Image facets    227

Cross-platform images    227

Transparency    228

Placing graphics on the reference pages    228

Placing graphics above and below the paragraph    229

An alternative to place graphics “beside” a paragraph    230

Changing the name of a graphic frame    230

Importing graphics on a master page    231

Chapter 14: Object styles

A case for using object styles    233

Create an object style    234

Create an object style from an object    234

Create an object style from scratch    234

Display the Object Style pod with a shortcut    235

Using object styles in a regular workflow    235

Chapter 15:    Placing rich media

Supported formats    237

Anchoring position for multimedia    238

Full-motion video    238

Set movie poster    239

Set graphic name    239

Create video player controls    240

Create cue points    240

Activate SWF and FLV by default    241

Interactive simulations    241

3D objects    241

Inserting a multimedia links table    241

Link 3D part to text    242

Activate 3D By default    242

Display 3D and multimedia in pop-up windows    242

Other 3D control options    243

3D object support for JavaScript    243

QR codes    244

Chapter 16: FrameMaker’s graphics tools

Advantages of FrameMaker graphics tools    245

Drawing basic shapes    246

Draw an object    248

Working with grids    248

Selecting objects    249

Deleting objects    250

Modifying objects    250

Resizing    253

Reshaping    254

Smoothing corners    255

Changing the number of sides    255

Joining lines    256

Cropping and Masking Graphics    257

Rearranging objects    258

Aligning graphic objects    258

Distributing    259

Grouping    260

Running text around an object    260

Layering objects    261

Changing the orientation    262

Rotating    262

Flipping horizontally or vertically    263

Transparency in FrameMaker graphics    264

Image hotspots    264

Part IV, Building Books

Chapter 17: Setting up book files

Advantages of using book files    265

Creating a book file    266

What the book window tells you    266

Managing files in a book    266

Adding files    266

Adding special book structures    268

Opening, closing, and saving all files    270

Removing files    270

Rearranging files    270

Renaming files    270

Updating a book    272

Troubleshooting book updates    273

Managing numbering    274

Format choices for numbers    275

Managing numbering for multifile chapters    278

Printing a book    281

Modifying files from the book    281

Spell-checking and finding/changing items in book files    281

Book-level features    282

Choosing files for other book-level operations    282

Book features available inside files    283

Paging through files in a book    283

Chapter 18: Creating tables of contents

Setting up table of contents file    285

The initial table of contents file    287

A Sneaky Way of Avoiding Formatting Work    287

Customizing the table of contents    287

Locating the TOC and MTOC reference flows    288

Book vs. stand-alone table of contents    288

Understanding the TOC flow entries    289

Formatting the table of contents    290

Using character-level formatting    290

Formatting examples    291

Managing Line Breaks in the Table of Contents    293

Mini TOC    294

Chapter 19: Creating indexes

The mechanics of a generated index    295

Creating the index file    296

Creating index entries    297

File-level (stand-alone) indexes    298

Basic entries    298

A few words about good indexing    299

Inserting Unicode in index entries    299

Editing and deleting index entries    299

Creating subentries    300

Stacking multiple entries in a single index marker    300

Creating ranges    300

Creating references to synonyms (“See”)    301

Changing sorting order for a single entry    301

Formatting the index    302

Ignoring characters while sorting    303

Modifying page separators    303

Changing the sort order    304

Changing the group titles    305

Formatting the page number    305

Creating ranges automatically    306

Eliminating unwanted chapter numbers    306

Chapter 20: Creating glossaries

Generated versus static glossary files    309

Marking glossary definitions for digital publishing    310

Marking a glossary definitions for print or PDF    310

Marking glossary terms for digital publishing    311

Create the generated glossary for print or PDF    311

Modifying the reference pages    312

Chapter 21: Creating Other Generated Files

Examples of other generated files    313

Creating paragraph-based lists    315

List of figures    316

List of tables    316

List of paragraphs    316

Alphabetical list of paragraphs    316

Creating lists of other items    316

List of markers    317

Alphabetical list of markers    317

List of references    317

Generated indexes    319

Index of authors    319

Index of subjects    320

Index of markers    320

Index of references    320

Part V, Creating Output

Chapter 22: Print, PDF output, and package

A comparison of print and PDF formats    322

Setting up a FrameMaker PDF review    322

Printing your documents    323

Printing an individual document    323

Printing from the book file    324

Specifying pages    324

If your document doesn’t print    325

Printing several copies    325

Changing the paper size    325

Printing double-sided documents    325

Skipping blank pages    326

Advanced printing options    326

Printing thumbnails    326

Printing booklets    326

Printing spot color in black and white    327

Printing low-resolution images    327

Printing registration marks    327

Changing the printer    328

About color separations    329

Setting Adobe PDF document properties    329

Adobe PDF Settings sheet    329

Configuring PDF job options    329

Creating PDF Files    331

PDF Setup dialog options    331

Generating PDF bookmarks    333

Generating tagged PDF files    334

Optimizing PDF files    335

Creating hyperlinks to other PDF files    336

Adobe PDF printer setup    337

If You Can’t Create a PDF File    337

Custom PDF file view options    338

Package    338

Choosing Package options    338

Chapter 23: Digital Publishing

Accessing the Publish pod    339

Exploring the Publish pod    340

Available formats    340

Pod controls    340

Style Mapping tab    341

Notes on style mapping    342

Creating TOC in online output    342

Outputs tab    342

Responsive HTML5 notes    343

Mobile App notes    344

WebHelp notes    345

ePub notes    346

Kindle notes    347

Microsoft HTML Help notes    348

Adobe Experience Manager Mobile    349

Basic HTML    350

Exporting XML output    350

Chapter 24: Color output

Advantages of defining custom colors    351

Understanding types of color    352

Understanding process color    353

Understanding spot color    354

Applying color to text and objects    354

Managing color definitions    355

Naming colors    357

Adding colors from a color library    357

Creating custom colors    359

Renaming colors    360

Viewing colors    360

Selecting a color view    361

Setting up color views    361

Deleting colors    361

Controlling colors for output    361

Part VI, Advanced Techniques

Chapter 25: Setting up conditional text

How conditional text works    363

Notes regarding conditional text    364

Strategies for using conditional text    365

Conditional text examples    365

Using conditional text in mobile/online publishing    365

Use conditions for multiple outputs    365

Use conditions for personalized dynamic content filtering    366

Applying condition tags    366

Removing a single condition tag    367

Removing all condition tags from text    367

Using condition indicators    368

Planning conditional text    368

Common condition tags    369

Alternatives to conditional text    369

Creating condition tags    370

Modifying condition tags    370

Deleting a condition tag    370

Showing and hiding conditional text    371

Showing All Conditional Text    371

Choosing the method for showing conditional text    372

Showing or hiding conditional text as per condition    374

Using conditional text expressions    374

Modifying expressions    376

Deleting expressions    376

Examples of expressions    376

Applying condition tags to tables and graphics    380

Chapter 26: Automation with ExtendScript

Advantages of using ExtendScript    381

A brief history of FrameMaker automation    381

Getting started with scripting    381

Interacting with FrameMaker ExtendScript    382

Using the Script Library pod    382

Creating and editing scripts    384

Creating an alert box    384

Automating text entry    385

Objects, Properties, and Methods    386

Finding the correct objects, properties, and methods    387

Principles of successful script writing    389

Start small    390

Use functions    391

Working with selections    391

Chapter 27: Creating Interactive Content with Hypertext

Advantages of hypertext interactivity    397

Setting up a basic hypertext link    398

Hypertext links in generated files    398

Cross-references vs. hypertext    399

Creating Link Destinations    399

Creating a link to a destination    400

Creating the active area in text    401

Activating links    401

Creating hotspots    401

Using hotspot properties to create links    402

Using hotspot mode to create links    402

Using a text frame as a hotspot    402

Creating a text link to a web address    402

Specifying links to open in new window    403

Creating an email link    403

Using markers to create notes in PDF files    404

Locking and unlocking view-only documents    405

Hypertext Command Reference    405

Chapter 28: Writing equations

Using native FrameMaker equation editor    409

Understanding the Equations pod    410

Inserting equations    411

Using the Equations Pod    412

Typing an equation    413

Inserting non-equation characters into equations    413

Selecting equations and math elements    413

Navigating through equations    414

Moving equations    415

Modifying equations    415

Moving text using keyboard shortcuts    415

Moving text using the equations palette    416

Deleting equations    417

Formatting equations    417

Changing equation fonts    417

Changing equation font sizes    418

Inserting automatic line breaks    418

Changing the equation size    419

Applying character tags    419

Evaluating equations    419

Working with MathML    420

Chapter 29: Content reuse with text insets

Advantages of using text insets    421

A text inset example    421

Working with text in insets    423

Considering text insets and other reuse options    424

Planning modular text    425

Breaking text down into modules    425

File storage    425

Information retrieval    425

Controlling formatting in text insets    426

Creating a text inset    426

Managing text insets    427

Opening the source file    428

Converting text insets to text    429

Chapter 30: Dropbox and Cloud Collaboration

Configure Dropbox    431

Share for review    431

Open files    431

Save files locally and access content offline    432

Chapter 31: Using a Content Management System (CMS)

Default connectors    433

Creating a custom connection to a CMS    434

Working with WebDAV    434

Managing workgroups    434

Setting up a CMS connection    434

Using the Repository Manager    435

Uploading the current document    435

Part VII, Appendixes

Appendix A: Resources

FrameMaker and Technical Communication Web Resources    437

Mailing Lists/User Groups    438

Third-Party Tools and Plug-Ins    438

Database Publishing from FrameMaker    440

Online Manuals    440

Reporting Bugs    440

Appendix B: Shortcuts

Most leaned-upon shortcuts while editing this book    441

FrameMaker Keyboard Shortcuts    441

FrameMaker Help    441

Compiled FrameMaker 11 commands    441

Control+1 through Control+9    442

Function keys (F1 through F9)    443

Window (Alt key) shortcuts    443

Appendix C: Building blocks

Building block usage    445

Appendix D: Customizing maker.ini

Editing maker.ini    449

Modifying the base FrameMaker template    450

Setting clipboard pasting order    450

Updating graphics from web addresses    450

Changing the substitution fonts    450

Appendix E: Preference settings

Global    454

General    454

Interface    455

Alerts    456

Pods    457

Launch    458

DropBox    458

CMS    459

Documentum    459

SharePoint    459

DITA Exchange    460

Adobe Experience    460

Spelling    461

Dictionary    461

Spelling options    461

Simplified XML    461

XML    462

MathML    462

Appendix F: Maker Interchange Format

Sample MIF code    463

Performing a MIF wash    466

Creating a MIF file    466

Opening a MIF file in FrameMaker    467

Viewing a MIF file    467

Cool stuff you can do with MIF    467

Eliminating file corruption problems    468

Making a file available to an older version of FrameMaker    468

Creating a character tag for a vertical baseline shift    468

Using MIF fragments to update catalog settings    469

Performing global search-and-replace operations    470

 Index            471

Part I, Getting started with Framemaker

Chapter 1: Template!!!!!!!!

Appendix 1:

H1 Heading 1    497

H2 heading 2    497

Chapter 1: Title FrameMaker strengths

Heading2    500

FrameMaker strengths heading    500

Uses for FrameMaker    503

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